About us

A passionate team motivated towards creating opportunities for sportsmen and aspiring youth.


Sports Vidya

Academic Excellence, Athletic Achievement

Sports Vidya believes in the philosophy that coaches and teachers who directly interact with children should be the highest paid professionals in the country. Unless we have good quality coaching, we cannot expect our children to compete with the best in the world. Low salaries and poor facilities force coaches and teachers to look at influential people or parents who can provide extra financial help or resources. This leads to inequality being created within children when coaching, teaching, selection process to represent the District, State, Country is going on. Many times, better and talented children are left behind, which has been a collective failure for our country. This is the primary reason why India has not been achieving medals at the international level consistently. It is not that we are not good enough to win medals in global competitions, but we need to improve the system. If the coaches and teachers are not financially stable, how can they give their 100%. We often hear of players, who are offered low profile jobs, even after they have reached a good level in the sports field and sweated out their lives and golden period on the fields.

There are sportsman who quit sports after their schooling, under the pressure that they can’t make a good career being a sportsman, we are even working on sports oriented courses for graduation and post graduation. The main aim is to retain the children to play sports and study as well in the sports field and carry on there profession in sports line. We have spoken to lot of athletes of high level and see that they are not happy, becoming a TT in Railways working in Income tax office, AG office etc. etc., they feel they belong to the sports arena or field not where they are. This is the primary reason why we are designing sports oriented courses for graduation and Post Graduation. We even need to keep in mind that now a days normal life for sportsman is around 30 years, where lot of physical work is required, specially because of change of nutrition and sciences evolving.

We are even seeing that Sports infrastructure is created but maintenance is not up to the mark. Infrastructure created needs to have a plan layout, as to how it will be utilized to produce, world class athletes. Many people talk about on what is the returns if we invest so much of money in sports but they don’t see the intangible returns and socio economic development of the country which is measured by results at International events in sports also.


We have even seen that lots of people don’t understand what is Beginner level coaching , intermediate level coaching, Advanced level coaching and Pro level coaching . It is not that if u keep one coach it is sufficient to train all children, the team has to work and for every different discipline eg. Athletics 100 meters, a different coach has to be there for short distance and a different coach for long distance, Javelin, Jumps, Throws and other disciplines. Same goes for swimming and other games. For eg. Badminton/ Tennis/ Table Tennis- singles coach has to be different, doubles coach has to be different, Mixed doubles coach has to be different. Shooting and Archery there are different events-we need to have different coaches for different events. If these things are well understood by the people involved ,there are no reasons why we can not achieve medals at International Level consistently.

We even through our message want to put across that, State level, National Level, International level, Arjun Awardees, Dronacharya Awardees should be well paid and the Authorities should come out with a Notification regarding their Pay structure for any organization recruiting them, as we see that many renowned athletes are being exploited, few of the Dronacharya awardees are very lowly paid, these coaches who are into coaching for the love of their students and trainees tolerate this exploitation. Which is incorrect.

On the tax side we see that the GST rates for sports goods and infrastructure is very high which is from 5 % to. 18%. Sports nutrition GST is also very high which is 18%.We also see that few people who have little knowledge about professional sports, after knowing 10% or even less, feel that they can manage everything. Some things cannot be taught; they must be experienced. You never learn the most valuable lessons in life until you go through your own journey. We feel that sports ecosystem should be handed over to Professionals, who can take the country forward in sports and who understand what kind of training , diet internal and external environment needs to be created for achieving international medals. Importance of honest and genuine support staff is also very essential throughout the sportsman carrier to take them to greater heights.

We even see that lot of athletes and coaches are not able to follow their proper daily , weekly or monthly training schedule because of authorities visiting the stadiums and coaches and athletes have to be lined up and present there to entertain them, whole day or you can say that total training schedule is hampered because of these activities. We have seen in professional academies giving good results that authorities silently come and visit observe and work behind the curtains for betterment of athletes we applaud that.

Nutrition of different athletes have to be different according to DNA testing and proper guidance of nutritionist. Mess for athletes cannot be just standardized , options have to available to cater different kinds of food also, or choices available for the athletes. It has to be high standard. If we think that we allot 175rs for food for the whole day, that is not the solution supplements have to be made available of high standard for the athletes ,which can cost  Rs.10000 or even more a month, per athlete. These things are very essential. We need to take care of their bodies for future also – u cannot just train them and finish them and at later stage we see they suffer from injuries etc. Which is incorrect.

Sports equipment we see that are lying in the store and purchases are made but not given to athletes, everyday innovations are made in equipment and kitting world wide. Latest equipment needs to be provided to athletes. Passing of files from one table to another table won’t help.

Sports enthusiast who are honestly working day and night for taking our country forward are made to run here and there. Authorities always are wanting to have proposals for development of sports but when it comes to signing and taking the country forward they are reluctant.

Lots of people mix up politics and religion with sports, we are here to keep both away from sports and make the sports ecosystem neat and clean.


The Sports Vidya Credos

To make the youth of India inspired and well facilitated towards achieving exemplary goals on the international platform

Creating a platform that provides all necessary services through collaborations with industry leaders in order to provide sportsmen and aspiring youth exclusive services at par with the international standards.

  • Integrity. Acting with strong ethics is a priority for everyone representing the organization as well as the company’s behavior as a whole.
  • Honesty. It’s not just the best policy. It’s a core business practice to act in a transparent, trustworthy manner that earns the respect of colleagues, customers, and the public.
  • Accountability. Accepting responsibility for your actions (and inactions) is the ultimate way to build trust internally and externally.
  • Diversity and Inclusion. Organizations succeed by bringing different lived experiences and a range of backgrounds into a shared environment where everyone has equal opportunity.
  • Teamwork. When people work together, they can create something greater than themselves as individuals.

An Insight Into The Sports Industry

We even see that lot of sports equipment sold are duplicate, eg. a football is made scientifically, velocity – circumference – material etc. Suppose u pass it to some player and if the football goes somewhere else, how can these be tolerated. Duplicate items has to removed from the sports shops. We have even seen that highly sophisticated rackets (duplicate) are sold in very developed countries also. It’s for u to understand the place of manufacturing of duplicate equipments. We in our team have people u have used such duplicate equipments and who have suffered in their sporting careers.

Shoes, apparels, equipments need to be very much of high quality. Lot of top level designers are also doing mistakes on the designing part. Just imagine eg. Shooting , archery, our sportsman don’t buy correct equipment, God knows what will happen.

There could be a way to go ahead by taking firm steps by not allowing sales of sports equipments which are not approved by the world bodies like FIFA, BWF etc. This can only be done by our government. We feel that if such steps are taken our athletes will think of achieving at the International level not be just trying to perform within the country.

Regarding Medals and trophies: It is very sad to see that medals and trophies given to athletes after working hard and winning are of fibre and of low quality. At least the medals and trophies for which the athletes are striving for should be of high quality. This is our request to all schools, Universities, Associations and tournament organizers.

There are lot of people we have spoken they say that we have to spend seeing our budget but they are not seeing how much the athletes have given their mind body and soul, money too and what they get at the end are trophies of medals  of low quality.

Architects of The Idea

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